Ahead of Sunday's presidential elections, the ruling party's Alexander ideology is seen as fantastic, even by Balkan standards.
In Macedonia, it is becoming all Alexander the Great, all the time. In January, despite a recent Greek nixing of Macedonia's NATO bid over the airport name, the ruling nationalists here changed the name of its main roadway to Alexander of Macedon Highway. THe parentage of Heracles was never fully established and he too was poisoned by Cassander when he was 18 in As part of a stunning new homegrown ideology of history and identity based on Alexander the Great, this capital city's main square may soon boast a huge new statue of the ancient conqueror. The orders were carried out, and they were both poisoned.
Alexander apparently had two sons, Alexander IV of Macedon of Roxana and, possibly, Heracles of Macedon from his mistress Barsine and lost another child when Roxana miscarried at Babylon.